She is a Witch. 72” x 32”H

Acrylic, Resin, Charcoal, Chalk, Seeds and Wax Pencil. Available.

She is a Witch. 72” x 32”H x 1 ½” Acrylic, Resin, Charcoal, Chalk, Seeds and Wax Pencil. Available.

Note the words in the painting: She is a Witch, Tituba under a Evil Hand, 1692, Witch, Rye, Ergot, Tryal ( correct spelling for 1692 - foreshadowing in the shadows ), and the abstract images of a yellow bird, red cat, and black dog.

. . .
Storyline: Sullen Abigail Williams is resting in the sun with her back to this outbuilding wall. She has just finished a little personal handwriting practice. Earlier in the day she was upset with the family’s slave, Tituba, for moving some dolls she had carefully placed for a tea party. So in return she had secretly wrote “She is a Witch” several times on the wall in both chalk and a piece of vine charcoal she had found.

Unfortunately little Abigail has been eating contaminated Rye bread for some time. She has Ergotism and has begun to hallucinate. Later when confronted by her Uncle, Rev. Samuel Parris, about her writings here, she will explain she sees a yellow bird, a red cat, and a black dog ( random mud and mold on this wall ), obvious signs of the work of the devil.

Historical Hysteria again ... fear without facts.


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