Resist, 60” x 30”,

Spray Paint, Acrylic, Oil Stick, Graphite, and Texture Medium.

From the Right: Central Theme of Propaganda based on a Stalin Poster, New Right Wing Money Grubbing Coat of arms with gold coins, red handed ( by Russia's hand - it's not a secret and we embrace it ), New right wing symbol for the Fourth Amerikan Reich, and at the bottom a portrait of our Sheeple that lovingly and blindly follow our debasing of American values.

from the Designer of the Propaganda: he/she sneaks in subtle personal viewpoints such as making the hand small, the head large, the smirk comical and idiotic, and a small symbolic heart that is almost non-existent. "Is it Safe" sold to the Right by Marketing as a threat that the Sheeple Need to be Afraid - whether it is immigrants or free trade or just plain good ol Merican values like going deer hunting with a AK47. In reality the designer is asking a broader question of both sides - that it will never be safe but we do not need to lower our values to the least common denominator. The question itself begs the point that without an educated inquisitive discussion ( educated population ) we are doomed to be led by a manipulative Narcissist. While religion may be the opiate of the masses, Ignorance is a much stronger opiate.

From the Left: “Resist” over the Fourth Reich, Turn Left sign, a small MAGA hat added to one of the Sheeples, the forgotten masses ( on the left and in the shadows ), blood at the feet of the Sheeples ( if it is done in your name then you are responsible ), "NO !" to the question Is it Safe, and an Orange Swoosh hair on Comrade Cheetolino just to show the left can be mean and infantile too.

From the State: two white washed comments that we didn't like today. If they serve us we might like them tomorrow.

