Halt Right, 72” x 48”, Acrylic and Mixed Media. Available.

This is the story of an unlucky man of Ancient Rome who had a wall near two popular bars ( actually a Symposium and a Kapeleia ). The graffiti is between two opposing parties, Clodius and Cicero supporters. This piece was inspired in part by the work of Philip Freeman comparing Donald Trump to the populist Clodius. Note the words; Halt Right, Plebs Threaten the Republic, 695 ab vrbe condita ( the year in which this transpires ), Exile Cicero, Clodius to the Crows, and a partial Save the Republic. Quote from the unlucky property owner: “ These men will just not give up vandalizing my property. I have tried numerous paints to cover the words. Some work, some not so well. I am at the point where BY HERCULES ! I just wish they would fight about it and leave my wall alone”.


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G. G.