G. G. 48” x 62”, Acrylic, Charcoal and Mixed Media.

G. G.

Note the words; Eppur si Muove, Salviati, Sagredo, Simplicio, 1633, and a signature.⠀

Storyline: A patron by the name of Ferdinand II, has secured and sealed a portion of a jail that held a famous scientist for a day. The prisoner, G.G., was jailed by the church in 1633 for writing and believing in Copernican Heliocentrism. Now, 24 years later he and his brother Leopold have unveiled this testament to his genius in celebration of the Accadamie del Cimento. While incarcerated our subject scribbled a solar system with the sun at the center, he has tracked the sun through his jail window, and he has recalled a previous experiment involving sunspots. There are also random sketches of the projectile parabola, a beam breaking under sheer stress, and a free fall object painted with bird excrement found in the jail cell.⠀

Of course if the Church says it is true, than the science must be incorrect.


Halt Right


Robot Graffiti